Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Would Buddha do to increase Employee Morale?

"Get rid of your selfish mind and create a mind sincerely focused on others. Making someone happy inspires that someone to make someone else happy. In this way happiness spreads to make form one act.  

Once candle can light a myriad of others and continue to shine as long as before. Sharing happiness never decreases it."

Sutra of Forty-two Sections 10

In this lovely passage Buddha explains the basic and beautiful truth of happiness, a truth as basic to making employees happy as it is to making all living things happy.

Paradoxically, the more we work at gaining happiness, the less likely we are to experience it. Happiness doesn't come from "looking out for number one." Happiness doesn't come form "what's in in it for me?"

So how do we increase employee morale and make our people, happier? Look at what Buddha did. He didn't call for more company picnics or feel-good T-shirts for everyone. Nor did he send out for pizza on Fridays. Instead, he just lived with his community; he went on alms rounds right along with the newest monk; he encouraged them with his example and with his constant presence. He shared what the had, his own happiness, and he never ran out. 

Buddha's example and presence taught even the lowliest monk that it he wanted to improve his morale, he could start where he was, by looking around for someone to share with. So if you are in that position, help someone, who has something to learn or has fallen behind. It is not your complaints about morale that will improve it. Don't curse the darkness....Light another's candle.

[Collected from "What Would Buddha Do at Work? 101 Answers to Workplace Dilemmas by Franz Metcalf & BJ Gallagher Hateley - TATA McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, Edition 2003, Page-132] #buddhain samskrit     

|| श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता : ज्ञानाचा अभूतपूर्व आविष्कार ||

  || श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता : ज्ञानाचा अभूतपूर्व आविष्कार || “नारायणं नमस्क्रुत्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम् | देवीं सरस्वती व्यासं ततो जयमुदिरयेत ||” ( ...